How to Build an Effective Homeschool Routine

As difficult as it might be, effective time management is a key factor for homeschooling your child. No two days are alike and, most often, things will not go as planned. But having a plan is still helpful in controlling your daily routine.

First of all, don’t engrave in your mind that you and your child must follow a rigid homeschooling schedule, as most days you won’t be able to practically follow it. Instead, create a flexible routine that gives you general time blocks to get tasks done. For example, your first time block can be between 8 - 8:30 am and each block can continue after you and your child have finished each activity. This alleviates the pressure of a schedule but still maintains order and structure.

Be strategic about the time of day when you cover each subject. If your child struggles more with math, maybe schedule it earlier in the day so they can focus better. Or if your child is more focused after lunchtime, cover the harder subjects at that time. Figure out the best plan for you and your child and test out what works best! You have the freedom to work around how your child feels, so take advantage of it!

Incorporate regular breaks and fun subjects into your homeschooling routine to let your child have “recess” or grab a snack. This provides a mental and physical break. You can even give your child fun educational activities as a break. Play math games online, watch a short educational video or read a fun book to break up the school day so your child can be better focused when doing school work.

Creating a daily routine can be a great way to give your homeschool days some direction and structure while helping both you and your child remain accountable and directed. Use it as a tool to stay organized and to lessen your stress as a homeschool parent! Don’t get overwhelmed by homeschooling - build an effective routine to make the school year fun and productive!


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